Q & A about Research Ethics

Some students at the University of Limerick have been kindly engaging God Hates this semester and have asked a number of great questions about research ethics with a hate group. I answer them in a Q & A format below. How do you gain access to a hate group? It really depends on the group, so the... Continue Reading →

Review of _Biblical Porn_ Now Available

I just had the pleasure of reading Jennifer Johnson's Biblical Porn: Affect, Labor, and Pastor Mark Driscoll's Evangelical Empire for Reading Religion, an online book review endeavor from the American Academy of Religion. You can read the review here.

“A King Cyrus President” just published!

I'm pleased to share the news that Humanity & Society has just published my article "A King Cyrus President: How Donald Trump’s Presidency Reasserts Conservative Christians’ Right to Hegemony." Here is the abstract: Religious right leaders and voters in the United States supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election for the same reason that all blocs... Continue Reading →

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